What does 'perfect fit-guarantee' mean?

Perfect fit guarantee
When you search for specific car parts suitable for your vehicle - via vehicle type or number plate, our website filters the right parts and sorts them on applicability. For determining if the parts match your vehicle, we use a professional database called TecDoc. TecDoc is specially designed for car parts, by manufacturers and car part suppliers. TecDoc is for example used by car servicing & repair companies, other professionals and is available via Winparts.

To find the right parts easily, we have made different tools. For example, via the bar below you can easily select your vehicle or enter your number plate. If you don't know your number plate you can select your car using brand, model and type. Did you enter everything correctly? Then you will see the right parts for your vehicle and we give a 'perfect fit'-guarantee for many products.

Winparts looks over you! We mean that figuratively, not literally of course. Because you have selected your car with the utmost accuracy, we're able to double-check your order. There are certain aspects TecDoc doesn't take into consideration, however. We go the extra mile though. We do extra checks to make sure you ordered the right parts It would be a shame of course if you need to return the ordered items unnecessarily because they didn´t fit your vehicle. Mind you, we can´t do any extra checks on universal applicable items, items that aren't brand/model specific.

Curious what we will check? Who wouldn't be? We check for example…

  • Year of manufacturing from/to restrictions
  • Models like M technique / sport / GTi, etc.
  • Required quantities

Exchange guarantee and return
Unfortunately, it is possible that despite the extra checks the part doesn't fit. Very annoying of course. To make it as easy as possible to find the right part, we offer a free exchange service. In that case, you receive an extended exchange period of 30 days to inform us that you want to exchange the product. A nice extra, right?

If you do not want to exchange the item, but you only want to return it? A return is a withdrawal of your purchase, which is of course not a problem. For returning an item you have 14 days to inform us that you intend to do so. Our 'perfect fit'-guarantee service is not applicable to the right of withdrawal.

Want to know more about exchanging and returns? Click here.

The benefits at a glance:

  • Fewer orders went wrong
  • Fewer service needed afterwards
  • Fewer costs for you
  • Higher satisfaction
  • Faster repairs

Do you have questions about our 'perfect fit'-guarantee? Feel free to ask one of our employees.

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Services to UK temporarily suspended

From 1 Januari 2021 the BREXIT is a fact. We temporarily suspend our service to the United Kingdom because of expected difficulties with shipments. International customers other than UK residents, can still use our service. We are happy to supply all the car parts you need.

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