Status of your order

The status of your order can quickly be found in your account in my Winparts. In your account, you can track your order, from the moment you place your order to the moment of delivery. The expected date of delivery will also be shown here.

Next, to the information on my Winparts, we´ll keep you informed regarding updates, in the case something unforeseen changes for example. It´s good to note that we occasionally depend on external factors regarding information. Nevertheless, we try to inform you as best as we can, when we can.

Question regarding your status?
Our representatives at our customer services department love to help you. To submit a question regarding your order, just sign in to your account. Luckily this is something you can manage yourself through your 'my Winparts'. Click again after signing in on 'more info' at the order it concerns. Scroll down a bit to you see "Status/Questions". An easy and convenient way to check and ask questions regarding your specific order. Remarks and questions are sent straight to our customer services representative who takes care of your order.

No account yet or forgot your password? Click on ' forgot your password' or create a new account if you haven't placed a previous order.

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Services to UK temporarily suspended

From 1 Januari 2021 the BREXIT is a fact. We temporarily suspend our service to the United Kingdom because of expected difficulties with shipments. International customers other than UK residents, can still use our service. We are happy to supply all the car parts you need.

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